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Modifications to corporate constitutions in Alberta: An empirical study

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This study examines the extent to which publicly traded Alberta corporations have included provisions in their corporate constitutions that modify or vary a corporate governance rule that would otherwise apply. Part I discusses the notion of contractual freedom in corporate law and identifies the instances in which modifications are permitted under the Alberta business corporations statute. Part II outlines the methodology used in carrying out the survey of corporate constitutions and provides a summary of the results. Part III provides a more extensive discussion of the legal framework pertaining to the rule and analyzes some of the implications arising out of the results of the survey. | La prdsente dtude examine ej quel point les socidts albertaines cotdes en bourse ant prdvu, dans leurs statuts, des dispositions modifiant une rigle de r~gie de Ia socigtg qui devrait normalement s'appliquer. La premi~re partie examine la notion de libert contractuelle propre au droit des socitds et ddtermine les circonstances oh certaines modifications sont permises par la loi albertaine. La deuxi~me partie d&rit la mithode utilisde pour effectuer l'enqute sur les statuts de socigit etfournit le sommaire des rdsultats. La troisi~me partie offre une discussion plus dtendue du cadre Idgal relative h la rdgle et analyse certaines des implications qui ddcoulent des rdsultats de l'enqudte.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Published)
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  • License
    © 1993 Roderick J. Wood et al. This version of this article is open access and can be downloaded and shared. The original author(s) and source must be cited.
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  • Citation for previous publication
    • Wood, R.J., Brown, M.T., & Bauman, R.W. (1993). Modifications to corporate constitutions in Alberta: An empirical study. Alberta Law Review, 31(2), 263-291. Retrieved from
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