Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains the results of the metrological examination and research of the accuracy indicators of a method for diagnosing aircraft gas turbine engines of the D30KU/KP family using an ultra-high-frequency plasma complex. The results of metrological examination of a complete set of regulatory documents related to the diagnostic methodology, and an analysis of the state of metrological support are provided as well. During the metrological examination, the traceability of a measuring instrument (diagnostics) – an ultrahigh-frequency plasma complex – is evaluated based on the scintillation analyzer SAM-DT-01–2. To achieve that, local verification schemes from the state primary standards of the corresponding types of measurements were built. The implementation of measures to eliminate inconsistencies identified during metrological examination allows to reduce to an acceptable level the metrological risks of adverse situations when carrying out aviation activities in industry and air transportation. In addition, the probability of occurrence of errors of the first and second kind in the technological processes of tribodiagnostics of aviation gas turbine engines is reduced when implementing a method that has passed metrological examination in real practice. At the same time, the error in determining ratings and wear indicators provides acceptable accuracy indicators and sufficient reliability in assessing the technical condition of friction units of the D-30KP/KP2/KU/KU-154 aircraft engines.

aviation GTE of the D-30KU/KP family, tribodiagnostic, diagnostic methods, ultra-high-frequency plasma complex, scintillation analyzer, ensuring the unity of measurements, metrological support, metrological risks, metrological examination

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