In the global rankings of digitalization and Industry 4.0 maturity, Finland constantly places among the frontrunners. This study examines the path Finland has taken to reach the forefront, the drivers, and the current challenges and future opportunities related to Industry 4.0 and digitalization. This analysis is based on extensive experience in Industry 4.0-related ecosystem projects, policy documentation, and previous research. As Finland focuses on the export of high-value-added products and services, the early adoption of new technologies is vital and thus a key driver. Moreover, the national culture of innovation, R&D, and triple helix collaboration have driven Industry 4.0 implementation alongside a highly skilled workforce. However, multiple barriers hindering full Industry 4.0 utilization still exist, including SMEs’ hesitation to digitalize due to insufficient support mechanisms, an aging population, and the difficulty in finding single-source solutions. Respective future opportunities were found in areas such as smart sustainable manufacturing and ecosystems, enhanced SME involvement, lifelong learning, and the platform economy. Currently, Finland is moving from digitalization towards a twin transition and sustainable ecosystem-to-ecosystem collaboration. Practical early-stage examples of implementing this policy include the AI 4.0 and the Sustainable Industry X supercluster initiatives.