The New Zealand Experiment

A World Model for Structural Adjustment?

The New Zealand Experiment's cover
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Print publication:

eBook publication:

Pages: 407

RRP: $0.00

ISBN: 9781869401306

ISTC: A022012000021398

DOI: 10.7810/9781869401306

Out of print – digital edition available through ebook retailers and our BWB Collections platform.

Jane Kelsey’s was a questioning and challenging voice when she wrote this passionate critique of New Zealand’s economic policies in the 1980s and 90s. The social and economic consequences of a decade of market-based reforms are laid bare in this statistically rich and rhetorically powerful work.

Drawing on a wide array of sources, Kelsey’s analysis delves into every aspect of the structural reforms that were to have such vast consequences for New Zealand society. Her analysis of those policies and their consequences gains a fresh – and sobering – perspective in the light of the recent global financial crisis.

Available in ebook formats from booksellers and using the ‘Buy’ button on this page. For more information on these purchase options please visit our Sales FAQs page or contact us.


1. Setting the Scene
2. Capturing the Political Machine
3. Empowering the Technocrats
4. Embedding the New Regime
5. Market and Trade Liberalisation
6. Limiting the State
7. Monetary Policy
8. Labour Market Deregulation
9. Fiscal Restraint
10. The Economic Deficit
11. The Social Deficit
12. The Democratic Deficit
13. The Cultural Deficit
14. There Are Alternatives

Appendix: A manual for counter-technopols