This chapter defines behavior, behavior modification, and behavioral assessment. It describes how behavior modifiers view traditional psychological concepts such as intelligence and creativity. The chapter discusses the relationship between behavior modification, applied behavior analysis, and behavior therapy. It then describes eight misconceptions about behavior modification, and describes some examples of behavioral deficits and behavioral excesses treated by behavior modification. Behavior is anything that a person says or does. Some commonly used synonyms include “activity,” “action,” “performance,” “responding,” “response,” and “reaction.” Characteristics of behavior that can be measured are called dimensions of behavior. Three dimensions of behavior are duration, rate, and intensity. Behavior modification involves the systematic application of learning principles and techniques to assess and improve the overt and covert behaviors of individuals in order to enhance their daily functioning. Behavioral assessment involves the collection and analysis of information and data in order to identify and describe target behaviors; identify possible causes of the behavior; and so on.