This collection of essays by Sheila Jasanoff explores how democratic governments construct public reason, that is, the forms of evidence and argument used in making state decisions accountable to citizens. The term public reason as used here is not simply a matter of deploying principled arguments that respect the norms of democratic deliberation. Jasanoff investigates what states do in practice when they claim to be reasoning in the public interest. Reason, from this perspective, comprises the institutional practices, discourses, techniques and instruments through which governments claim legitimacy in an era of potentially unbounded risks—physical, political, and moral. Those legitimating efforts, in turn, depend on citizens’ acceptance of the forms of reasoning that governments offer. Included here therefore is an inquiry into the conditions that lead citizens of democratic societies to accept policy justification as being reasonable. These modes of public knowing, or “civic epistemologies,” are integral to the constitution of contemporary political cultures.
Methodologically, the book is grounded in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). It uses in-depth qualitative studies of legal and political practices to shed light on divergent cross-cultural constructions of public reason and the reasoning political subject. The collection as a whole contributes to democratic theory, legal studies, comparative politics, geography, and ethnographies of modernity, as well as STS.


chapter |22 pages

Reason in practice

chapter |19 pages

Product, process, or programme

Three cultures and the regulation of biotechnology *

chapter |17 pages

In the democracies of DNA

Ontological uncertainty and political order in three states *

chapter |19 pages

Restoring reason

Causal narratives and political culture *

chapter |25 pages

Image and imagination

The formation of global environmental consciousness *

chapter |17 pages

The songlines of risk*

chapter |17 pages

Judgment under siege

The three-body problem of expert legitimacy *

chapter |18 pages

Technologies of humility

Citizen participation in governing science *

chapter |28 pages

The eye of everyman

Witnessing DNA in the Simpson trial *

chapter |29 pages

In a constitutional moment

Science and social order at the millennium *

chapter |8 pages
