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Sustainable Innovation in Fashion Products: An Opportunity for Italian SMEs

Sustainable Innovation in Fashion Products: An Opportunity for Italian SMEs

Alessandra De Chiara, Floriana Iannone
ISBN13: 9781799814191|ISBN10: 179981419X|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799814207|EISBN13: 9781799814214
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1419-1.ch007
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De Chiara, Alessandra, and Floriana Iannone. "Sustainable Innovation in Fashion Products: An Opportunity for Italian SMEs." Customer Satisfaction and Sustainability Initiatives in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, edited by Cecilia Silvestri, et al., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 125-151.


De Chiara, A. & Iannone, F. (2020). Sustainable Innovation in Fashion Products: An Opportunity for Italian SMEs. In C. Silvestri, M. Piccarozzi, & B. Aquilani (Eds.), Customer Satisfaction and Sustainability Initiatives in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 125-151). IGI Global.


De Chiara, Alessandra, and Floriana Iannone. "Sustainable Innovation in Fashion Products: An Opportunity for Italian SMEs." In Customer Satisfaction and Sustainability Initiatives in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, edited by Cecilia Silvestri, Michela Piccarozzi, and Barbara Aquilani, 125-151. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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The chapter deepens the theme of sustainability in fashion products, exploring the importance of sustainable innovation as a competitive driver. The fashion industry is not exempt from issues related to sustainability, in its economic, environmental, and social sense, since it is one of the most polluting industries in the world, in addition to being often shaken by scandals related to the poor working conditions for many fashion factory workers around the world. Given the relevance of the issue of sustainability in the fashion supply chains, the chapter will provide food for thought on the question of managerial behaviors based on sustainability and deepen the knowledge on the need of a collaborative approach among firms and within the supply chains of the fashion system.

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