Delivering drugs in a water-insoluble formulation is a critical matter in therapeutic drug development. However, because a drug molecule has to be water soluble to be readily delivered to the cellular membrane while retaining its hydrophobic properties, issues surrounding water insolubility can postpone - or completely derail - important new drug d

chapter 1|4 pages


chapter 2|20 pages

Solubility Theories

chapter 3|40 pages

Prediction of Solubility

chapter 7|28 pages

Solubilization Using CoSolvent Approach

chapter 10|50 pages

Liposomes In Solubilization

chapter 11|22 pages

Pharmaceutical Salts

chapter 12|28 pages

Prodrugs for Improved Aqueous Solubility

chapter 13|38 pages

Particle Size Reduction

chapter 17|26 pages

Soft Gelatin Capsules Development