Original paper

Distribution of diatoms and bryophytes on linear transects through spring fens

Poulícková, Aloisie; Hájková, Petra; Krenková, Pavla; Hájek, Michal

Nova Hedwigia Band 78 Heft 3-4 (2004), p. 411 - 424

published: May 1, 2004

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2004/0078-0411

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The distribution of bryophytes and their diatom epiphytes was studied in three acidic, mineral-poor spring fens in the Western Carpathian flysch zone (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic). Samples were taken along linear transects from the permanently wet surrounding of streams to the dry Sphagnum - and Polytrichum-hummocks. The height above the water table and water content of each moss sample were measured. Moisture and pH were found to be primary factors influencing moss and diatom species distribution. Diatom abundance, species richness and diversity decreases with the decreasing moisture in the microsite. Eunotia paludosa was a typical species of dry hummock tops, accompanied by Pinnularia rupestris and Achnanthes lanceolata. Diatom-species-rich streams were characterized by the occurrence of Eunotia arcus, E. incisa and Pinnularia subcapitata. Significant relationships were found between the occurrence of some mosses and diatom species composition, independent from the measured moisture characteristics.


diatomsecologymoisture gradientmiresphagnumphwater levelwesterncarpathians