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Phonon interaction of single excitons and biexcitons

F. Gindele, K. Hild, W. Langbein, and U. Woggon
Phys. Rev. B 60, R2157(R) – Published 15 July 1999
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The exciton-phonon coupling of a single zero-dimensional exciton is studied in epitaxially grown CdSe/Zn1xCdxSe quantum dot structures by analyzing its linewidth and phonon-assisted recombination. The single excitons do not couple to only a single phonon mode, but to a distribution of phonons, here consisting of the zone-center ZnSe longitudinal optic (LO) phonon and of mixed modes with an energy statistics centered between the ZnSe and CdSe LO phonon. Both exciton and corresponding biexciton reveal LO-phonon replica intensities of 3% of the respective zero-phonon emission. These similar LO-phonon coupling strengths are evidence of a reduced polarity of the exciton states within the biexciton as the result of exciton-exciton correlation.

  • Received 11 February 1999


©1999 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

F. Gindele, K. Hild, W. Langbein, and U. Woggon

  • Institut für Physik, Universität Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany

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Vol. 60, Iss. 4 — 15 July 1999

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