Structure and Function in the Genome of Drosophila hydei

  1. H. D. Berendes,
  2. C. Alonso,
  3. P. J. Helmsing,
  4. H. J. Leenders, and
  5. J. Derksen
  1. Department of Genetics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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The giant polytene chromosomes of the Diptera offer unique possibilities for studies aimed at an understanding of the structural and functional organization of the eukaryotic genome. The characteristic pattern of bands and interbands, resulting from defined local differences in degree of compaction along the nucleoprotein elements composing the polytene chromosomes, is thought to reflect the structural organization of these elements in the diploid interphase nucleus.

Genetic analyses, in particular the recent studies on complementation among a group of over 100 mutants of Drosophila melanogaster, all located within a defined segment of the X chromosome, indicated a colinear, one-to-one relationship between genetic and morphological units (Judd et al., 1972; Shannon et al., 1972). These and related results have been applied in the development of elegant models on the fine structure of eukaryotic genes and the regulation of their activity (Crick, 1971; Paul, 1972). So far, however, relevant information as to the...

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