Issue 24, 2014

Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles derived from natural materials of mango fruit for bio-imaging probes


Water soluble fluorescent carbon nanoparticles (FCP) obtained from a single natural source, mango fruit, were developed as unique materials for non-toxic bio-imaging with different colors and particle sizes. The prepared FCPs showed blue (FCP-B), green (FCP-G) and yellow (FCP-Y) fluorescence, derived by the controlled carbonization method. The FCPs demonstrated hydrodynamic diameters of 5–15 nm, holding great promise for clinical applications. The biocompatible FCPs demonstrated great potential in biological fields through the results of in vitro imaging and in vivo biodistribution. Using intravenously administered FCPs with different colored particles, we precisely defined the clearance and biodistribution, showing rapid and efficient urinary excretion for safe elimination from the body. These findings therefore suggest the promising possibility of using natural sources for producing fluorescent materials.

Graphical abstract: Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles derived from natural materials of mango fruit for bio-imaging probes

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Article information

Article type
20 Aug 2014
18 Oct 2014
First published
22 Oct 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 15196-15202

Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles derived from natural materials of mango fruit for bio-imaging probes

C. J. Jeong, A. K. Roy, S. H. Kim, J. Lee, J. H. Jeong, I. In and S. Y. Park, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 15196 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR04805A

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